Carers Coffee Morning
WBACRC Carers Coffee Morning Flyer – Tuesday 6th June 2023
Do you have caring responsibilities for someone in your family that has a disability or long term health condition, you may be a grandparent who has caring responsibilities for your grandchildren so your children can go to work and provide for their family. On Tuesday 6th of June 2023, we will be hosting a Carers Coffee Morning at the West Bromwich African Caribbean Resource Centre from 10:30am till 12.30pm. Carers will have an opportunity to meet other carers, share their experiences, maintain and develop new friendships plus find out about services that can support them in their caring role. We will also have a number of external organisations present on the day who will give information and advice.
For more information, please contact either:
Deska Howe – Health & Well Being Divisional Manager
Thomas Street, West Bromwich. B70 6LY
Phone: (0121) 525 9177 (Select Option 1: Health & Well Being Division